Penn State Population Research Institute
NICHD-funded seed grant
Funding from NICHD (#P2CHD041025) to Penn State Population Research Institute is funding research on the real-time impacts of heat on health as people move across space. Anne is working with collaborators from WSU Global Health Kenya and University of Nairobi, as well as with Rendille communities, to understand how the range of exposures men face – as herders travel far from home, stay close to home, or even transition their livelihoods – translates into acute and longer-term health outcomes. This is part of a larger team effort to measure adaptation efficacy and understand how adaptations trade off with one another – with how reducing risk in one domain may increase risk in another.
NIH Centers for Research on Emerging Infections Disease (CREID)
Pilot Grant, 2024
This grant was awarded to joint PIs Kris Smith (lab co-director) and John Gachochi, in collaboration with CREID East and Central Africa. The CREID Pilot Grant is meant for first-time PIs and includes built-in mentorship, with Anne and frequent lab collaborator M. Kariuki Njenga as mentors. Climate change impacts infectious disease dynamics with implications for acute and chronic disease. This project is designed to identify existing cultural adaptations to Rift Valley Fever in two areas of Kenya, and to cross-pollinate these ideas between areas in an effort to share what works.
Washington State University
Commercialization Gap Fund, 2024
The Commercialization Gap Fund funds ongoing development of tech for the ClimTo venture, led by PI Anne Pisor, which helps people prepare for environmental impacts before they happen. CGF funds are devoted to building a working prototype of the ClimTo app.
Washington State University
ClimTo seed grant, 2022
This seed grant has provided initial funding for the development of tech for the ClimTo venture, led by PI Anne Pisor, which helps people prepare for environmental impacts before they happen. Seed grant funds are devoted to user interface development, user experience research, and development of our minimum viable product.
US National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center
Workshop grant, 2020
Support from SESYNC enabled Anne and collaborator James Holland Jones to convene experts on climate adaptation and climate-adaptation-adjacent research from across disciplines. Products included our 2022 Nature Climate Change paper and our 2023 special issue in Philosophical Transactions in the Royal Society, as well as spinoff collaborations involving workshop participants.
NSF Cultural Anthropology
Senior research grant, 2021
This grant jumpstarted the Tanzania Sociality and Fisheries Project and funded postdoc Dr Kris Smith. The original summary from NSF’s archives is here and our successful application is here.